据《周日邮报》1月31日报道:津巴布韦国家新冠肺炎疫情委员会首席协调员Agnes Mahomva博士表示,津巴布韦政府批准使用进口伊维菌素治疗新冠肺炎患者,这种做法符合全球医学惯例。
(津巴布韦国家新冠肺炎疫情委员会首席协调员Agnes Mahomva博士)
伊维菌素原本是一种兽药,用来治疗和预防动物体内的寄生虫,近日有传言称,该药能够治疗和预防新冠肺炎。上周,在保健医生的大力游说下,政府批准这种治疗新冠肺炎的 “调查性”疗法。这些医生认为,伊维菌素和纳米银混合服用,能够治疗新冠肺炎。
在每周的新冠疫情通报中,津巴布韦国家新冠肺炎疫情委员会首席协调员Agnes Mahomva博士说,这种药物应该只在医疗人员的受控下使用和分发。
Agnes Mahomva博士说:我想借此机会提醒所有人,包括我们的医生,所有的药物,无论是新药的还是旧药,常规药还是实验药,都必须在津巴布韦药监局(MCAZ)注册后方可使用或上市。本月初,药监局在其2021年第5号通知中,建议医生和其他卫生工作者不要使用未经批准兽药伊维菌素,来预防新冠肺炎。
Agnes Mahomva博士说:在最近的一个通知中,药监局提供了详细的指导说明,新冠特效药药品的人体实验,比如伊维菌素,必须在特定的设置和严格的监测下,在受控的环境中进行,以避免这种处方药物的肆意分发和使用。这种方法是为了保护患者免受剂量过高,以及包括伊维菌素在内的假冒产品的伤害。
Agnes Mahomva博士说:使用已批准和注册的药物治疗一种新的疾病,而这种药物最初并没有针对这种疾病开发,即适应症外方法,符合国际和当地惯例,但要在特定的环境中并在严格的监测之下。重要的是,如果你使用一种药物治疗一种新的疾病,需要受到严密监测。这样做是为了保护病人。
纳米银(Nano Silver)就是将粒径做到纳米级的金属银单质。纳米银粒径大多在25纳米左右,对大肠杆菌、淋球菌、沙眼衣原体等数十种致病微生物都有强烈的抑制和杀灭作用,而且不会产生耐药性。水产用纳米银可以让鱼可以让鱼虾苗,任何生物从小就开始得到最好的无细菌病毒环境,据说平均可以提高鱼虾存活率20%。运送鱼虾时添加纳米银溶液,也可以预防鱼虾感染,让鱼虾运送的平均存活率提高50%,可替代一般消毒剂与抗生素。
Deputy News Editor
The authorisation of use and importation of Ivermectin — an anti-parasitic drug — to treat Covid-19 patients by the Government is primarily for investigative purposes and is an acceptable standard practice in medicine globally, a public health official has said.
Last week, the Government approved the use of the drug for “investigational” Covid-19 treatment following intense lobbying from primary care physicians, who argued that the fusion of Ivermectin and nanosilver was effective in caring for patients.
In her weekly Covid-19 update, Chief Coordinator of the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Dr Agnes Mahomva, said the drug should only be administered and dispensed in controlled environments.
“Let me take this opportunity to remind you all, including our doctors, that all medicines, whether they are new or old, routine or investigational, must be registered with the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) before they can be used or prescribed,” she said.
“At the beginning of the month, MCAZ in its circular 5 of 2021 advised medical doctors and other healthcare workers against use of unapproved veterinary Ivermectin for prevention of Covid-19 in humans.
“In a more recent communication, MCAZ provided detailed guidance indicating that investigational medicines for Covid-19 such as Ivermectin, that is the kind for humans, are to be used under controlled and structured environments with specific settings and strict monitoring to avoid wanton and indiscriminate prescription and dispensing of such medicines.”
She said this approach was meant to protect patients from unethical and unsafe doses, as well as counterfeit products, including veterinary Ivermectin.
“The use of approved and registered medicine for a new disease for which that particular medicine was not originally developed – the off-label approach – is an accepted approach at both global and local level but in specific settings and under strict monitoring.
“The key message here is that if you are using that medicine for a new disease, it needs to be monitored careful.
“This is done to protect the patient.”
Doctors argue that without Ivermectin and nanosilver, Zimbabwe’s death toll from the deadly respiratory illness could be significantly higher.
In a letter addressed to the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe last week, acting Health and Child Care Permanent Secretary Robert Mudyiradima said: “In these difficult times of Covid-19 treatment, we have to be careful to protect patients as well as not to deny them effective treatment regimes.
“It is in this regard, the authority is hereby granted for you to proceed to allow importation and use of these medicines under the supervision and guidance you outlined.
“Ivermectin can be evaluated for both treatment and prophylaxis.”